Below you will see an explanation of all of our Shooting Style Types. We also give you an example and description of each type. The Packages page gives you a breakdown of some of your available options. You can use almost any Style type with any Package (unless specified otherwise within the package).

Looking for something unique? Click the button below, we would be happy do draw up a custom quote based solely on your needs.

Shooting Styles


Fitness Sets focus on the Muscle Defintion, Physique, Muscle Fibers and the Lines that you have worked so hard to build. These are normally in Underwear, Swimwear or Gym attire. We can incorporate the use of props as well (ie: Boxing Gloves, Weights, Bands etc).


Lifestyle Sets are focused around your “Look”, your “Fit” the way you live your life and the way you like to dress.

Outfits: Casual, Dress, Sports and Beachwear etc. Your are only limited by your own personal creativity.

Implied Nude

Implied Nude Sets are what we do the most of. They are taken fully nude and the “Private Parts” of the body are hidden with shadows, angles or other parts of the body. You will never see items or objects covering up a person as we feel that simply plopping an eggplant or a happy face for example, takes away from the art.

The point of these sets can be in a couple different directions.

Taking the focus away from the sexual aspect that most people immediately see when they look at a nude body and re-focus it on the art, the beauty of the body in the image.

These are more along the boudiour style images. They are sexy and seductive but classy and elegant.

Artistic Nude

(Full Nude example not shown, contact for examples of our work)

Nude Sets are also some of the work that we do the most of. These images show full nudity in a classic, elegant fashion.

The direction of these sets can be in a couple different ways.

Focusing more on the Artistic side of the Naked body. Unique poses, props, body paint, etc. We feature the body fully nude but in an artist fashion.

These are more along the sensual style images. They feature the body in its most natural form but with Sexy and Seductive undertones.


(In the example above, the Model is covered head to toe in Metallic Body Paint)

These are some of the most fun to do. They can incorporate and of the styles and any outfit type, Nude or Implied Nude. The focus of Creative shoots is 100% Art. Bodypaint, Colored Lighting, Props etc. You are only limited by your own imagination (or Google haha).